“The Filipino-American. That’s a market, a community & an opportunity. Yes! 3.5 million of them and still growing.
Very glad to have connected with the Filipino-American Chamber of Commerce of Greater Nevada. Please read the newsletter from FACCGN.
Filipino American Chamber of Commerce of Greater Nevada
Source, Ship and Sell Event, June 29, 2017, 9am to 12:30 noon
Asian Culture Center, Las Vegas,NV
Discover how to effectively Source, Ship and Sell Philippine Products to the USA.
This highly informative event was produced by the Pangasinan Brotherhood-usa, in collaboration with the Philippine Consulate Office of Los Angeles, Filipino American Chamber of Commerce of Greater Nevada (FACCGN), EC Ferrer CHB, Inc & APCL, Provenance Holdings Corporation dba Planet63 and Luna Design
International, Ltd.The event was attended by 30 participants from the different sectors of trade and government from retailers, manufacturers, small business owners, e-commerce practitioners, community advocates and trade service professionals.
Gracing the event was the Honorable Adelio Cruz, Consulate General of the Philippine Consulate in Los Angeles who did a presentation of the current and future economic and trade prospects under the Duterte Administration and the exponential benefits of a continually expanding Filipino-American trade. There were key topics coming from expert resources with Ferdinand B. Soriano talking about Product Sourcing in the Philippines, Eddie C. Ferrer on US Customs & Freight Forwarding, and Olive Enriquez discussing Product Packaging & Social Media Marketing Strategies. A keynote was delivered. The Welcome Remarks & Purpose was delivered by Mellie Soriano of PBUSA
and Christian Bato, from the Office of Nevada Senator Catherine C. Masto. These were the key highlights we learned from the presentations:
The Top 10 exported products from the Philippines Up and coming products and services from the Philippines (Products and BPOs) Simple overview of how to efficiently ship your products from the Philippines
You got the product…how do you sell it or market it using design, social media marketing and digital marketing?
“The Filipino-American.
That’s a market. That’s a community. That’s an opportunity. Yes! 3.5 million of them and still growing.” How to create your own eCommerce site. Product sourcing using online directory product portal “www.planet63.com”. In summary, the seminar offered a “nuts and bolts” presentation of how to find those products, sell and ship from the Philippines to the USA with the US exporters who want to market to the Philippines and importers who wants to make it easy to import the right way. In a nutshell, in the age of online retailing and the easing of geographic and cultural barriers, this Seminar fulfills its basic goal to help navigate the growing digital commerce terrain and at the same time, promote Philippine products and develop the Filipino-American entrepreneurs and trade. We thank the sponsors (Philippine Long Distance Telephone), ad cooperators, notably Mr. Ferdinand Soriano of Planet63, Eddie Ferrer, Consul General Adelio Cruz, the Asian Culture Center, FACCGN, presenters and attendees for making this a success.
Olivia Enriquez
Luna Design/FACCGN
Photo credits:
Jose Enriquez
Luna Design Intl